Interview | CK Goldiing

In July, one man arrived in London with his camera, £100 and a bag of clothes.

Meet CK Goldiing.

The photographer and presenter embarked on a mission to provide 100 unsigned London musicians with new press photos with musicians paying whatever they can afford for the shoot.

With the donations, CK would pay for his accommodation, food, water and transport.

As the project is now past the half-way point, we caught up with CK to find out more about his venture.

What was it that inspired you to start this project?

Utter boredom.

I got sick of the sight of my friends and wanted to trade them for new ones, better ones.

Okay, jokes aside, I reached a point in my life where everything in my home city, Sheffield, started to look a little too familiar. This is the place I’ve grown-up, been schooled in, worked in and had my watch stolen off my wrist in. Thieves are properly talented nowadays, I didn’t even realise it had been taken ’til someone asked me the time later that night. I was immediately confused.

#100Musicians was a way of me treating my eyes to new places, my heart to new feelings and my sanity to new experiences. I didn’t want to be that guy who dreams of doing something remarkable, but never does because he’s scared. Don’t get me wrong, I was terrified, but I was okay with that because until then, everything was too comfortable. Predictable. Easy.

© CK Goldiing
Bec Lang | © CK Goldiing

What stage of the project are you at now?

Currently, I’m in the ‘It’s getting bloody cold, and I have no winter stuff’ stage. If any of your London readers have a spare winter coat, I’ll give them 10p for it. Any takers?

Oh, sorry, you mean how many musicians? I’ve shot 55, so 45 to go. I hope one of them has a spare coat.

Dezmond Meeks | © CK Goldiing
Dezmond Meeks | © CK Goldiing

How are you finding the journey so far?

Mainly using Google Maps. Before I left Sheffield to start this, I did an upgrade on my phone which gave me three-months unlimited data, and honestly Claire, you have no idea how stress-free that has made my life. Thanks to the unlimited goodness, I can find everywhere I need to be. I’ve not got lost once. Not once in three months. Also, given how useless hostel WiFi is, unlimited surfing, emailing, uploading…my god, I love it. I shudder to think how much, in monetary terms, I’ve accumulated in data in the last 100-plus days. Probably thousands.

My Google Maps-love aside, this journey has been one of the most incredibly enriching, maturing, rewarding things I’ve ever done – it’s made me see the beauty in people’s minds, hearts and generosity. Sounds sickening, I know, but all true.

I have met a few prats, though, but only about three.

Are there any stories in particular that stand out?

Oh, just one? There are so many. One story my Facebook ‘viewers’ enjoyed was an episode involving a grotty little hostel I was staying in. The hostel was cheap, so I was attracted to it like a moth to a tiny bald head – alas, the place didn’t have any soap anywhere, not even in the toilets. This alarmed me, to say the least. I made two or three polite requests to management, but every one went unheard. Eventually, I got my mobile, took it to reception, and started recording my complaint, with a view to shocking them into cleanliness. I happened to be checking-out that day, so I have no idea if anything ever changed, or if people are still using the facilities, wiping, then realising ‘poo hands’ is their new way of life.

A few weeks later, money was so low, so I had no choice but to book into the grot hole. Upon arriving shortly after midnight, I was refused a bed, despite the fact I had made an online booking. I was honestly gobsmacked. They tried to pretend it was due to overbooking, but we all know it was their attempt at revenge, right?

Happily, a musician I’d previously photographed lived thirty minutes down the road, so I rang her, woke her up, and she said, “oh God, that’s awful, come round, you can have the sofa!”

I love you, Lou!

Savannah Dumetz | © CK Goldiing
Savannah Dumetz | © CK Goldiing

When do you expect to complete the project by?

I’m having the time of my life, and this is largely due to not making predictions, instead, just letting the project be what it will be. That said, if I’m still here in nine moths, I’ll start predicting.

Nostalgias Finest | © CK Goldiing
Nostalgias Finest | © CK Goldiing

How can people get involved in the adventure?

Come hangout with me on my Facebook page, tweet me @CKGoldiing or email

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