Live Review | Jamie MacDowell and Tom Thum | Assembly Studios

Jamie MacDowell and Tom Thum - Love Music; Love Life

It’s beatboxing like you’ve never heard it before.

The description may be simple, but the show is a complex insight into their musical world.

Jamie MacDowell and Tom Thum ooze talent with their unique blend of beatbox meets singer-songwriter, creating a mesmerising sound that leaves you wanting more.

Their on stage bond is unbreakable and they know exactly how to compliment each other’s talents, with a predominant passion for their music shining through.

While their unique combination is something to behold, with singles including ‘Fever and Love’ and ‘Minstrel’ the perfect match, they also take the time to spotlight their individual talents.

Jamie’s outstanding raw vocals create a soulful sound, with particularly emotive and captivating single ‘Sister’ a set highlight. Tom Thum’s featured single ‘Ratchet Face’ provided a mesmerising insight into the world of beatboxing, with his one man orchestra created from his voice.

From track to track, the duo consistently showcased why their blend works so well, leaving it almost impossible to believe they manage to create such a sound without the backing of a full band or vocal trickery.

Their songwriting talent is also extremely evident. With a wide range of tracks covering a variety of topics with cleverly written lyrics, they step away from the ‘standard’ formula and create powerful singles that stand alone and sound nothing like you’ve heard before, from poignant moments in ‘Grandma’s Hands’ to a brand new song written that was written that very afternoon.

It’s not often you find yourself leaving a Fringe show astounded, uplifted and with a new album to download. Tom Thum and Jamie MacDowell have done just that.

Jamie MacDowell and Tom Thum
Venue: Assembly George Square Studios
Time: 8pm
Tickets: £12/14 via

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