Joshu | 5 tracks that influenced ‘holding on’

Joshu has released his new single ‘holding on’.

As he gears up towards the release of his EP ‘way back home’ on January 22nd, we delved into the music influences behind the title track from the release.

Lou Reed – Walk on the Wild Side
The harmonising bass lines in ‘holding on’ are an accidental homage to Herbie Flowers (Lou Reed’s session bassist). I added them toward the end of production, after having searched high and low for a bass part that worked with the looped guitar. There’s something so iconic and satisfying about two bass lines harmonising together, and ‘Walk on The Wild Side’ is the quintessential example.

Nick Mulvey – The Doing is Done
Nick has had a huge impact on my musical journey, and this track is probably my favourite deep cut of his. The repetitive nature of the guitar and bass dancing together with the revelatory lyrics give me this deep sense of relief, exactly what I’m trying to capture in ‘holding on’. There’s self-forgiveness, and a reminder that it’s going to be okay.

Fred Again.. & SOAK – Just stand there
When I first heard this song I was totally awestruck. The way that Fred Again uses real life samples has really opened up my understanding of sound and music. So I made the journey into my childhood voice memos, listening through old conversations and terrible jokes and chance meetings, to find and cut together the samples you hear in the intro of ‘holding on’.

Ella Grace – I Wonder
I ran this track sooooo hard when it found me! I love the super close-up double tracked vocals, the spacious production, and the really relaxed beat that kind of drags you along with it, closed eye smile. All of those ideas gently found their way into ‘holding on’.

Gregory Alan Isakov – Amsterdam
The texture of this song is insane. I’ve spent literal days trying to understand how they created that reverb tone on the main bass/guitar/drum riff. The whole thing is so cohesive and immersive, which particularly inspired the super verby outro in ‘holding on’.

Stream Joshu ‘holding on’ via Spotify:

Listen to Joshu’s music influences: