Christy | 5 tracks that influenced ‘Homegrown’

Christy has released his new EP ‘Homegrown’.

Recorded at Urchin Studios in London Fields, the tracks were co-written with Benjamin Francis Leftwich and producer Matt Ingram, known for his work with Laura Marling.

Speaking of the EP, Christy said “These songs are everything I have been through in the last few years. My first release needed to be real, genuine – either people like it or they don’t, but at least I have been 100% myself and I’m not sacrificing anything to be a popstar. They are sad songs but I wanted them to sound beautiful.”

To celebrate his EP release, Christy shared with us 5 tracks that influenced ‘Homegrown’.

Led Zeppelin – Going to California | Listen via Spotify
This song was one of the first songs that really made me understand the beauty of using different instruments in modern music. The beautiful musicality of this song just got me from a young age, and I was hooked. The magic Led Zeppelin created with their music really did push me into my own musical journey. So, cheers Led Zeppelin! I actually saw Jimmy Paige recently in London and annoyingly I didn’t have the guts to speak to him! But at least I have seen him with my own eyes!

John Martyn – Solid Air | Listen via Spotify
When I discovered John Martyn’s music, I had just started busking and playing a lot of acoustic guitar. I found out that he was from the same place as me, just up the road in Glasgow. This really inspired me to believe in myself! He has such a beautiful timeless sound, I was absolutely entranced by his music. His music and this song in particular definitely had a big impact on this EP.

Red Hot Chill Peppers – I Could Have Lied | Listen via Spotify
So John Frusciante actually single-handedly taught me guitar. When I first picked up the guitar I had no idea what to do, but I started to learn by ear and I was drawn to John Frusciante’s playing. It was magic to me; he combined a mix of rhythm and lead all at once while keeping it so melodic and beautiful. All that while Anthony Kedis taught me to sing and tell a story with lyrics! The guitar solo in this song gives me shivers every time. It’s so raw and full of emotion! With this EP I wanted to capture emotion in every instrument and this song taught me through the guitar that this was possible.

Jeff Buckley – Last Goodbye | Listen via Spotify
What can I say, I’ve made it no secret that I’ve always wanted to sing like Jeff Buckley. The whole ‘Grace’ album completely blew my mind when heard it for the first time. I was about 9 years old! Jeff’s voice made the air dance. ‘Last Goodbye’ is forever one of my favourite songs of all time, he just has an absolute abundance of class and grace – the album is very appropriately named! If any song on this EP affects anyone the way any of the songs on ‘Grace‘ affected me, then I can die a happy man! He is one of my biggest influences for sure.

Bon Iver – Holocene | Listen via Spotify
I think Bon Iver did for folk music what Elvis did for rock and roll! His music completely opened my mind to the production side of things, and how beautiful you can make something so simple sound. ‘Holocene’ is just a landscape of beauty. When I first heard it I almost felt like I had discovered how colour sounded! What an absolute genius this man is and I hope I can work with him one day! Massive influence on the ‘Homegrown’ EP.

You can listen to Christy ‘Homegrown’ EP below:

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